Friday, September 25, 2015

Tyler and Shelby

When Tyler (my son & only child) and Shelby announced their engagement to me, I was so happy!!!  They just seem to fit, and Shelby is such a lovely young lady and we adore her.  Tyler is happy, which is all I've ever wanted for him. So now we are frantically trying to prepare for a wedding at our farm on October 31st (OF THIS YEAR!!!!) and enjoying watching Shelby be so excited about it all. 

This photo was taken by one of my best friends, along with so many other great photos that were taken that evening, some serious and some pretty silly. 

I finally get my daughter........I'm a happy mom. 

Life is quite simply........grand!!

1 comment:

He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....