Crack definition: That period of time between the end of spring lambs and the start of summer festivities.
Not much going on in my world, the usual bustling about from one thing to another has me rolling right along. My post surgical restrictions are in week 4, and I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with week 6 looming on the horizon and the lifting of the restrictions.
I had some great help from a couple of my friends on Tuesday night when we rooed 4 sheep. Terri has helped me in past years and is a experienced veteran, but Tammy and Mike were both rooing virgins and we had a blast showing them the ropes.......and teaching them our rooing song. What song you ask? Roo, roo, roo your sheep gently down the lane, merrily, meerily, meerily, merrily, life is such a dream. (sorry you asked, aren't ya?)
The highlight of my spring, aside from lambing, has been the installation of a new pasture fence!!! That's right, the best Mother's day gift on the planet for this country gal has arrived and I am as happy as a pig in mud. My hubby and a couple of our friends got the main pasture fence done in 2 days!! No more escaping sheep because the electronet is shorted out, no more babies getting their ear tags caught in electronet.

Non-sheep related news is that we worked a fund raiser this past weekend for the charitable organization, Juda Fore Fathers. We had a beer garden and food stand at the Kutter Harley Davidson Open House, and since we are members of the Fore Father's we showed up at 9 am and worked till about 5 pm. As usual, we met a lot of generous people that came out to support our fundraising efforts. There we a solemn and touching flag folding ceremony done by some local veterans, as well as a living statue in honor of our service men and woman. Both ceremonies gave me goose bumps and you could have heard a pin drop it was so quiet while these were taking place.
The flag folding ceremony begins. (excuse the portable toilets in the background) |
Various branches of our military are involved with the flag folding ceremony. |
Living Statue |
Some of the members of the Fore Father's dishing up the grub. (my hubby, Mike, in the foreground) |
Poor man's prime rib sandwich, cheddar and swiss cheese, Mike's potato chips, cole slaw and a pickle (pickle not shown) |
I'll leave you with some random shots of some of my lambs gathering at dusk to race around the field with glee........
And one of the dogs.......
Campbell, our Cardigan Corgi with the flowering crab apple and birch tree as a backdrop. |
All boys.............go figure. |
Ok..............a few more lambs photos.
Sisters.......left side is Lamba & Eriska on the right |
I remember how moving flag ceremonies were at Boy Scout functions. I miss those days. Your lambs and your dog are precious.