I know, I know, it's spring......and I'm just now posting my breeding groups from last fall. I had so much going on, I just never seemed to get it done and then I'd forget again. It's a vicious cycle for a forgetful, aging woman. I've had several people ask about possible lambs and since everyone wants to know the sire, I'll posting this to help me and the potential purchaser. (since my brain fog creeps back constantly)
You can view details of the rams and ewes on my Ram or Ewe page, just click on the appropriate tabs. Groups were put together on November 1st and removed Bing, Ringo and Elvis on 12-9. I did use Thor as a clean up ram this year, he was in with the entire flock of girls from 12-9 to 12-26.
OK Acres Bing
OK Acres Alabama
Lil Country Bee Sting
Shltg. Pines Ceylon
Kimberwood Dot
White Pine Killian
OK Acres Salina
OK Acres Vienna
OK Acres Ringo
Shltg. Pines Catherine
Shltg. Pines Bengal
OK Acres Sierra
OK Acres Elvis
Sommarang Challis
S'More Cotillion
Lil Country Disco
Wintertime Garnet
Faith (Shetland X-out of Fiona)
Crosswinds Thor
Shltg. Pines Anais Anais
Lil Country Meadow
Shltg. Pines Salicional
OK Acres Seneca
Shltg. Pines Temperance
Lil Country Velma
Faith (Shetland X-out of Fiona)
Fiona (Charollais/Texel/Columbia X)
Fergie (Shetland X-out of Fiona)
Janet (Shetland X-out of Faith)
Proudly raising Purebred Registered Shetland Sheep with the belief that Animals and people deserve respect and love in equal measure
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Mike and I

Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding
Raised beds & chickens coops

Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....
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He who angers you, controls you.
And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.