Thursday, January 17, 2013

Truth in advertising? I think not

I just wanted to make everyone aware of a gross over statement from a well known candy maker.   The fact that this candy is made in Canada may or may not be relevant......just throwing it out there. 

Without further ado, I present a bold faced liar!!!

Do you recognize these?    

I have been eating these little candies since I was a little girl (never mind that I know I shouldn't be eating them, I do it anyway)  and after eating Smarties on and off for years, I have NOT felt one teensy bit smarter.  In fact, I think it's having the opposite affect on my limited brain power and I am considering a scathing letter written to the Smarty people and give them a piece of my mind.  Aye?

Could it be that these little candies could be the reason I walk to another room only to forget why I am there?  Or could it be that they have caused me to drive all the way to town only to drive right by my destination?  And all this time I thought it was my advancing age that was to blame...........whew, glad I got that straightened out before it was too late.


  1. It's worse than you think, Kelly. In the UK, 'Smarties' have always been little sugar-coated chocolate disks, like M &Ms. You are not the only one to have been hoodwinked into forgetting why you bought them in the first place.

  2. Oh, Smarties, how I love you so :-).

  3. There was a nun in elementary school that called them "thinking pills." It doesn't matter what you call them...I love them!

  4. I took the rest left from Halloween to Sewing room so I didn't have to share them.

  5. i've not had them in years. now i feel the need to have a few. thank you!! ha. ha!! ( :

  6. Ha!!! Too funny.These are one of my favorite candies as well. And you are right! Not smarter!

  7. It's funny, in Australia "Smarties" are candy covered chocolate, like M&Ms but more flat than round! They have been around all my life, the other brand is a newcomer here!


He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....