This past weekend some of the members of the
Fore Fathers helped the Lions serve a free meal to the area Veterans. What an amazing experience!!!! We sure have a lot of great people in our community, ones that rally around any cause that needs a helping hand and ones that open their pockets despite hard times. I am honored to have these people in my community, and I am humbled and honored to be able to help serve something as simple as a meal to our Veterans that have sacrificed so much for me.
I can barely suppress tears when thanking these heroes for their selfless acts of courage so that I can enjoy the freedoms afforded to me because of their service to our country. I found it amazing that they were thanking us for serving them a meal, when their service was what makes it possible.
To all the men and woman Veterans, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!
You can NOT let these people run out of coffee!!!! |
What is a nice lunch without music. (ps-loved the banjo) |
The gentleman in uniform has had that uniform since 1962!!!! It's in fantastic shape and it still fits that sweet, friendly and talented man. |
A local Veteran and his service dog, he was so well behaved and had the kindest face. (the dog and the owner) |
Some of the Fore Fathers at the food table |
Lions doing dishes |
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He who angers you, controls you.
And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.