Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Generosity and kindness

Juda Fore Fathers on the left and the classmates to those that were killed in 1967 on the right

1967 in Juda Wisconsin one of Juda's small classes (it's a very small and close knit school) took a trip to New Orleans.  While they were there, a plane crashed into their hotel and 9 girls perished that day.  Over the years, the memorial stone and nine trees that were planted at the community park have suffered some deterioration and the Fore Fathers felt that the restoration of this memorial would be a contribution to the community that they would like to make to honor those that perished in that crash.  Plans were drawn up, the family members of those that lost loved ones were contacted so that no one would be inadvertently hurt by the upgrade.....and construction began.  The head stone with all the girls' names was already in place, as were nine trees that were in very poor shape.  All nine trees were replaced with new pines trees and they are planted in an arch on either side of the memorial, each tree representing a lost girl.  A new brick path to the headstone was designed, as well steps that lead up to the bricks and a small wall in front of the memorial stone.  Bricks were purchased, engraved and placed in the new area created by the memorial.  Now families and friends are able to purchase and engrave memorial bricks to be placed here for years to come. 

Nine roses, one for each girl that was lost

Crowd shot from the dedication of the completed memorial on Sunday, Sept. 30th.  


  1. So often memorials deteriorate with the passing of years just as people's memories fade and tragedies somehow become less tragic. It's great that your community has revamped the area bringing the tragedy back into people's minds and ensuring that the nine unfortunate ones are not forgotten.

  2. Thank you for knowing why I posted this. :)

  3. nice written and nicely remembered by you all


He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....