Where do I start? This year was my first as show chair for MSSBA and I have so many people to thank, that I'm afraid I'll forget someone. But here goes........
Thank you to my show committee: Garrett Ramsay, Corinne Rasso, Kim Nikolai, Maureen Koch, and Chris Greene. You guys are
Thank you to Juliann Budde for being our announcer, Maureen for being Ring Steward, Maegan Snow for tackling the sometimes confusing job of checking in the class entries and getting placings as the exhibitors left the ring. Thank you to Marie and Corinne for taking photos and getting pizza for Friday night, the photographer that judged the fleece competition, the our fleece and sheep judge, Letty Klein, our handmade competition judge, Kathy Olmstead. Thanks to to Penny and Alicia Becker for their help, Chris and Alan Greene for the very nice talk on Flett sheep and AI processes, to Kim and Bob Nikolai, Theresa and Jeff Gygi for their help. A special thank you to my husband, Mike, for the million and one things he did for me over the past week and especially this weekend. I know showing isn't his "thing", but he sucked it up and hit the show ring with me this year. I have no idea what I'd do without this wonderful man in my life.
Special thanks to all our sponsors and volunteers, without you, the show could not happen. Thanks to our exhibitors, for traveling and making this show successful. If I've missed anyone, it is not intentional, so please forgive me.
Some pictures and placings............more to follow.
Reserve Champion Ram
1st Place Ram Lamb
1st Place Pair of Ram Lambs
OK Acres Ringo
Ringo and I |
Reserve Supreme Champion
Champion Ewe
1st Place Senior Ewe
Sommarang Elise
And Gavin Snow
Gavin, Letty Klein (judge) and Elise |
Reserve Champion Ewe
Sheltering Pines Classique
Garrett Ramsay
Garrett, Letty Klein (judge) and Classique | | | | |
And drum roll please.............the Supreme Grand Champion is........................
Under The Son Coberg
Champion Ram
1st Place Yearling Ram
Supreme Grand Champion
Theresa Gygi and Coberg |