Friday, August 24, 2012

New Faces

I have purchased two sheep this year, one from my Tori in Indiana and one from Stephen in Michigan.  Wait, that was before I went to MFF and got to see more sheep that just happen to be for sale, and can I help it that they are my favorites....grey katmogets!  I also caved and bought an emsket gulmoget that came from Becky Utecht....I am weak and should be ashamed of myself for not sticking to my plan of only getting 2 new sheep this year.  sigh......someone slap my hand and take my checkbook.  My husband's response to me telling him that I had more than 1 sheep to bring home was, "Now there's a shocker", it would seem he knows me better than I thought.
L: Anais Anais   R: Bengal ~~ Two ewes from Sheltering Pines

A very cool little gulmoget ewe lamb from River Oaks

Side shot of the River Oaks 2012 ewe lamb
S'More Cotillion~yearling


  1. I can only look on in jealousy; my husband would not be that gracious!

    1. My hubby is pretty forgiving of my sheep/critter addiction.

  2. I hope that little Miso will hold her blue grey coloring under those light tips. And I hope she's not being too noisy at your house.
    Congrats on all your new ewes!

    1. She's not any louder than my other complainers. lol I really like her, she's very curious.

  3. They are beautiful. That little gulmoget is really interesting. What colour would you say she is?


He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....