Kelly K Bartels. OK Acres Shetlands
Monroe, WI . Flock 1774
I'd like to introduce myself; my name is Kelly Bartels from Monroe, WI. My husband, my son, and I moved to our present 25 acre farm in 2000 with my 2 horses and one dog. We acquired our first Shetland ram in 2004 from our friends that were moving to Arizona who couldn't take their sheep with them. It only took
a short period of time for us to realize that this hardy, compact little sheep was something we wanted to preserve and so began our search for some ewes and the start of OK Acres Shetlands.
My real interest in preservation began a couple years later when I discovered that there were more than one type of Shetland fleece. My first trip to a purebred Shetland show was an eye opener for me when I put my hands on some of the softest Shetland fiber that I have ever felt. I came home from that show determined to do more research and find out as much as I could about the history of these wonderful sheep. I found very little at first, there are so many places to look and the information is sometimes very dry and clinical, but the things I found got me even more excited to look further. I found all the forums, got more links to research, met some helpful breeders, and more data just kept becoming available. If elected to the board, I would
like to see this information and research put in one place for ease of access for NASSA members and their education. My current participation on the NASSA Education Committee has allowed me to see the placement of historical information on the NASSA website move forward a bit more, and I think it can be an ongoing project that adds items as they become available. I feel that the membership can benefit from reading all of the verified historical data in its entirety.
My primary reason for running for the board stems from my increased interest in preserving and promoting Shetlands at fiber events and within the fiber community. I'd like to help this organization move past some of the past turmoil so that real progress can be made moving forward with some important projects, such as education and promotion of the wonderful fleece products that our sheep can offer the fi ber community. All Shetland fleece has its ideal use. We need to educate spinners and knitters so that they become more informed about what can be done with Shetland wool thereby promoting and preserving the Shetland breed, the primary purpose of NASSA.
One of my concerns that I'd like to address, if elected, deals with making sure our members have access to what the board does in a timely manner. Details of discussions that aren't deemed confidential due to a personal matters, should be available to the general membership quickly and in detail. NASSA belongs to its members, and I will always make sure to approach any matter before the board with that in mind.
I have experience in several areas that helps my understanding of board business. I currently am involved in our county 4-H sheep show, I grew up showing dairy cattle in 4-H, have raised and shown Modena pigeons extensively, I am currently a member of Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association, serve on the show committee for the 2011 MSSBA Shetland show, and am a member of Argylian Society of Knitters.
I am currently a board members for the Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association and a member of the Green County Sheep Producers.
If elected to the NASSA board, I promise to always be open, honest and treat all members with respect.
Thank you for your consideration.
Proudly raising Purebred Registered Shetland Sheep with the belief that Animals and people deserve respect and love in equal measure
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Mike and I

Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding
Raised beds & chickens coops

Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....
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He who angers you, controls you.
And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.