Monday, September 19, 2011

Brits and Horses

Lori Stephenson was kind enough to drive Kate and Alan to my house for one last visit before their departure on Tuesday.  The day dawned with chilly temps and a non-stop drizzle of rain.  We went to town for a nice little lunch and once we returned, we headed to the sheep.  I got the thumbs up on both the rams I plan on using for breeding, Crosswinds Thor (out of Avyt) and Sheltering Pines Bug.
They confirmed my choices for cull rams and the adult ewes I felt weren't going to move my herd forward.  (phew, someone actually agreed with me) and then I held my breath to see what they said about the keeper ewe lambs I had chosen.  I got an affirmative on the ones I'd chosen to keep, but one ewe lamb they didn't really say much about and I'm going to assume they weren't terribly thrilled about my choice there, but I have a plan.  (grin)  Let's call it an experiment, no other details on that one until I see how it works out.
Despite the rain, we wandered from pen to pen and eventually the time came for us to catch the horses and saddle them up for a real American "cowboy" experience.  Kate wasn't going to leave until we got Alan sitting on a horse.  She got her wish and here are a few photos.  In hindsight, we should have shorten the stirrups for Alan, the poor fella looked like he was getting ready to run the Kentucky Derby.

Most trails are mowed quite this nice........can you tell Kate has ridden in the past?

Alan and Dually

You have no idea how funny it was to see Kate getting off that horse.  And there's poor Lori stuck with holding the horse while we all have a good laugh.  Here's a horse, now take this camera, now take this horse....poor gal.  

Kate and Misty

Please notice the cowboy hats that both of them are sporting.  Alan's is hanging , he has a larger head

That's all I have for today.  I'm hoping Corinne has some more photos from the show to post soon, she and her sister, Marie, do such a great job of taking pictures for the show each year.  Come on Marie, where are you pictures??

Toodles for now.

That which angers us, controls us.


  1. I am SOOooo glad Kate and Alan liked Thor! I was worried.
    Of course I have lots more show pictures! I haven't gone through them all. Marie's camera battery died at the show, so she didn't get any with her camera :(.

  2. Lori loved Thor!!! Ask her about it. lol
    Sorry to hear Marie lost power, but you got over 300, right?


He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....