Monday, February 07, 2011

Saturday at the mill

I have no clue at all why I didn't take my camera with me on Saturday!  I found myself up early for a fundraising pancake breakfast with my husband and 2 of our friends, and since Mike had to go back to hauling milk, I decided to go to Argyle Fiber Mill.  My dear friend, Kristi, owns and operates a small fiber mill in Argyle, WI and for months I've threatened to come down there on a Saturday and "help" her.  She gave me a cursory introduction to fiber processing and put me to work washing a couple batches of alpaca fiber, then onto the the picker to run some fiber that had previously been washed and was dry enough to start processing. 
The day flew by for me and I can't wait to move on to the carder!  
I am so lucky to live so close to a fiber mill that's run by a friend.  I told her that some day I may even be skilled enough to help defray the cost of my own fiber processing, she laughed nervously.  :D   
While I was at the mill, a lovely couple stopped in that is part of the group that's holding a spinning event,  and now it appears as if I will be attending the Spin In that's being held in April in Pewaukee, WI.  (yes, that's a real place)   
For anyone interested, here is the mill's website: 
And if you want to attend the event in April, here's the link to their website:


  1. Tsk, tsk, tsk; a fiber blogger in a fiber mill without a camera?!?

  2. I have been wanting to go to Argyle, my neighbor goes up there fairly often and loves that place!
    I finally got brave and washed some fleeces today-it was terrifying, I thought I was going to felt it all. Now I have to learn to spin!
    Bring your camera next time silly!

  3. Ok ladies, I'm now properly chastised. What on earth was I thinking, no camera?
    Glad you made it through the fleece washing without a nervous breakdown. Don't panic, the sheep are growing more for you right now. :D

  4. Thanks for posting this! I am looking for a mill to spin batts into yarn for me, I will send her an email to see if she will do this. Exciting! One mill much closer to me is not spinning at this time, so I am happy to have this suggestion.

  5. You lucky. Don't forget your camera when you go to the spin in. - Jen


He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....