I took off Friday from Monroe about 1 pm, met Juliann in Joliet and we headed for Allegan, MI for a couple days with Stephen. My trip served two purposes, I purchased a lovely gray katmoget ewe in the fall, and had to get her before lambing and I got to see Stephen's lovely herd of sheep.
Saturday we went to the barn with ziploc bags to collect fleece samples. I was in heaven getting to sink my hands into one luxurious fleece after another. Then off to Saugatuk (sp) for a day of window shopping and a laughter filled lunch with friends.
I'd like to introduce Sheltering Pines Salicional to OK Acres
She's standing a bit funky here, so sorry for the goofy shot, but my shutter speed is horribly slow and I always miss the good pictures.

Salicional is bred to Wintertime Black Forrest (a polled ram)
Here's a shot of Juliann after her first knitting lesson. She is a natural, picked up on it right away, I was properly impressed.
We had to leave mid-way through the shearing, as we had a long drive ahead of us and the weather was a bit on the iffy side.
I'm hoping to make a lot more farm visits this year, I guess we'll have to see what fuel prices do to us this summer before I plan too much. As one point, it cost me $87 to fill up my truck!!! Thank you BIG OIL. (thick sarcasm inserted here)