The Weighted T
The cheesemaker seen here is dipping cheese from the kettle using weighted T. This supported him from falling into the tub. When manipulating the net to extract the cheese curd from the tub, both hands had to be used (besides using one's teeth to help hold the bottom of the netting). It is said that if a cheesemaker didn't have a T, an apprentice would hold the cheesemaker to prevent falling into the tub. Sometimes the apprentice slipped, resulting in a slightly more than unhappy cheesemaker!
Green County has more cheese factories of any county!!! So, logic would follow that we would have a special weekend devoted to cheese. If you love cheese, take the drive to Monroe, WI this weekend and experience what we already know, that Wisconsin makes and sells the best cheese in North America.
Hope to see you this weekend, and if you get a a chance, stop by Bartels and Co. Tap for a drink, I'll be working Friday night and Saturday until 7 pm. My brother and sister in law own the Tap and they are especially good at making you feel welcome. I'd say it's as close to Cheers as you can get without having television cameras there. :D
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He who angers you, controls you.
And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.